ORCA opens its subsidiary in Russia!
Orca Industry
06 - 2014
To improve our service in Russia, Pennel & Flipo has set-up ORCA OOO in Saint-Petersburg to be able to serve you locally

Dear Customer,

To improve our service in Russia, Pennel & Flipo has set-up ORCA OOO in Saint-Petersburg to be able to serve you locally.

We are pleased to announce that you have now a local contact in Russia:
Ekaterina Astapeeva - Sales Manager Russia - eastapeeva@orca.eu
196105 Saint-Petersbourg
Moskovskiy prospekt 158-B, office 84

ORCA fabrics will be available from our inventory in Saint-Petersburg by end of June 2014.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Looking forward developing our business together,
With our best regards,

Pennel & Flipo's team.